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My Reading & Listening List

1 min read
  • books
  • newsletters
  • podcasts
Wed Nov 08 2023

A collection of books, newsletters and podcasts on software engineering that I use to improve as an engineer, and keep up to date with the latest developments in the industry.


I use books to deep dive into topics I want to fully explore. I find them as a useful tool for mastering fundamentals such as software architecture, algorithms and software development practices.

If I want to learn a new language/library/framework, I prefer to read the documentation instead, and then build small projects utilising that language/library/framework to gain a better understanding.

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Newsletters are a great way of keeping tabs on what’s new and relevant in the industry. Most of these are weekly newsletters which I read first thing in the morning to start my day.


I don’t listen to podcasts much, but these two are pretty good for interviews with engineers, leaders and innovators in the field.

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